FALLOW, (verb), to replenish and restore

Rest, relaxation and recuperation form the phuplec practice of fallow. This practice is based on the principles of set aside and the benefits of leaving fallow. Fallowing allows the earth to replenish itself through rest. Rest allows recuperation.


This is an exercise for rest. To prepare for Fallow find a space where you can lie down flat on your back. This can be on a bed, on the floor or on a mat, inside or outside, as you prefer. When you are ready, click play.

If you have other practices for rest please share them with us at practice@phuplec.com

* *PHUPLEC – Pronounced ‘foo-pleck’. PHUPLEC derives from the Proto-Indo-European perfective *bhuH, meaning to become, grow or appear. From this root word comes the English word future, the Latin futūrus (about to be) and esse (to be), the Greek phuō (I grow / become) and phusis (nature), and the Old English bēo (I become, I will be, I am). Phu- is combined with an abbreviated version of the Old English *plecc (pleck or plack) meaning a plot of land, place, spot or patch.